The e-Incubator

At Chico State

Mentoring, training, hosting, and develoment resources for students, graduates and faculty members.

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The e-Incubator taught me the foundation of web-base entrepreneurship, and gave me the confidence I needed to start an online business.
- Jonathan Torres
Read Jonathan's story here

Because of e-Incubator, my business concept was more than just a power point presentation. I received 1st place at Chico's BCC, and 2nd Place at Future Four. By then end of Spring 2018 I had developed a business concept and received over $10,000 of funding through the Center for Entrepreneurship's Accelerator Program and winnings from competitions.
- Giovanni Galasso

Read Giovanni's story here

I can say that we would not be where we are today with Professor Dave's help, especially early on!  He worked with us all summer to help us get ready to launch.  As most of you know we are now in hundreds of schools with thousands of vendors.  Our annual earnings well exceed 1 Million these days, and climbing!

Mitch Gardner